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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you wondering where to start with your home technology project? Check out some of these answers to frequently asked questions concerning home automation.

HOw much will it cost?

It’s hard to say how much a home technology system will cost before a system design is created. Generally speaking, you should budget between 4-8% of your home’s value. We recommend using the Home Technology Association Budget Calculator to generate a budget for your project.

Access the Budget Calculator

What is a smart Home or Automated Home?

There are varying definitions of what a smart home is, but we like to define it as: A home that has technology that is easily controlled through one app, or platform. There are thousands of smart home products on the market, but we believe that a home isn’t truly a smart home until it brings people greater peace of mind, and increased comfort and productivity through technology that is controlled in one single app and platform.

Can I just buy the parts and install them myself?

While there are thousands of DIY smart home products on the market, we only provide products that should be installed by trained & certified professionals. Our technicians are consistently and highly trained to install our systems, and provide the programming that is vital to the operation of the products. In order to maintain our strict standards of quality and professionalism, we don’t offer products to be installed by our clients. Most of our systems require specific dealer certifications to access programming software. 

What are the benefits of a smart home or an Automated Home?

Whether you are an audiophile, a movie lover, or just someone that is looking to make life at home more comfortable and simple, there are countless benefits to a smart home system. Here are a few of our favorites.

Can a smart home improve energy efficiency

Not every home technology system will have a large impact on energy efficiency, but many systems can. The advantage of a high-performance smart home is that many devices and infrastructure pieces are low voltage. This means that they can accomplish powerful tasks, while drawing minimals levels of power. 

The future of lighting is low-voltage lighting. Before we know it, large areas of home will be able to run on a single breaker. The advantage to you as a homeowner, is decreased power consumption and simple control of your devices. To decrease your energy footprint, creating a well-designed smart home can be a game-changer.

Will a smart home leave me prone to privacy issues?

This is where the quality of your home technology comes into play. Many DIY or consumer grade technology brands are prone to hacking, data leaks, and more privacy issues.  To ensure that your smart home is safe, you need to prioritize working with a home technology integrator like us that has been vetted.

We take privacy very seriously, and prioritize working with brands that are committed to not sell your personal information, and are constantly updating firmware with security patches. Are home security systems are so secure that even we can’t access your system without you granting us access through secure channels.

Are wires still relevant?

With all of the different wireless devices that are available on the market, it’s important to note that if a device is capable of being hardwired into a system, it should be. Wireless devices are generally more prone to signal disruption, and downtime than wired devices are. If your home is full of too many wireless devices, it will result in reduced bandwidth for available for each device. The best practice is to plug in any devices than can plug in, and leave bandwidth for the devices that cannot be wired into the system such as cell phones, tablets, etc.

When do i need to start the smart home conversation for my new build?

As soon as possible. The sooner you invite your home technology integrator into the conversation, the more customization options you will have, and it will be easier to include technology in the financing of the project. By involving us in the design phase, we are able to design the technology into your home, and ensure that proper wiring infrastructure is installed. Waiting until the end of the project will reduce the amount of available wiring and devices available for your system, and increase the cost of labor needed to install and program them.

Do I have to use my phone?

There a multiple ways to control your home technology with a truly smart home. Our platform allows you to control things through the mobile app on your phone, but that’s not the only option. Some people like to lay their phone down and spend time with their family when they get home. To help avoid needing your phone, we can install conveniently placed touch panels, push buttons on the walls, and even remote controls with voice control. All of these options have the same interface, so whether you are using your phone or a touch panel, the layout, appearance, and experience are the same.

Is a smart home worth it?

Absolutely! We are a bit biased on this question, but we get to witness the benefits and rewards of smart homes every single day. Our clients frequently express how easy use their systems are to use, and how convenient they make life at home. Smart homes aren’t just cool and fun. They are true driving forces to increased peace of mind. Our number one goal is to help our clients find great comfort and peace of mind in their homes through easy-to-use technology. When you hire us to install your home technology, we have no doubt that we will meet that goal, and ensure that a smart home really is worth it for you.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

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